Dental Care
Pet Dental Services
Regular dental care for your pet is about more than simply fresh breath and white teeth. It is an important piece of a preventative care regimen because numerous diseases can either originate from or be exacerbated by poor dental hygiene and care. In fact, it is said that periodontal disease is present in many dogs over 2 years, and 85 percent of the senior dog population–9-years-old and up.
For this reason, Terra Nova Village Veterinarians recommends that all cats and dogs have a full dental cleaning each year as well as polishing and fluoride applications every six months to two years.
All patients that undergo dental cleaning here at Terra Nova will be put under a pre-anesthetic sedative, gas anesthesia, pain and antibiotic medication, and intervenous fluid (before, during, and after the procedure).
We also sell various products and special diets to help you keep your pets teeth clean.
Why Pet Dental Care is Important
Dental problems of your pet are easily prevented. Left untreated, they can often lead to larger systemic problems due to oral bacteria entering the bloodstream and damaging the kidneys, heart and liver.
Pets have dental disease just like you do. Many of these problems can be avoided by bringing your pet in for regular checkups and teeth cleanings.
Some signs of dental problems in your pet include:
-Bad breath–one of the first signs of dental disease;
-A yellowish-brown crust of plaque on the teeth near the gum line;
-Red and swollen gums;
-Pain or bleeding when your pet eats or when the mouth or gums are touched;
-Decreased appetite or difficulty eating;
-Loose or missing teeth.
Gingivitis – inflammation of the gums.
Periodontitis – a general term for a disease of the oral cavity that attacks the gum and bone and delicate tissues around the teeth.
Pyorrhea – inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth and accompanied by pus.
Plaque – the first buildup of material adhering to tooth enamel. Composed of a mix of intercellular matrix of bacteria, salivary polymers, remnants of epithelial cells and white blood cells, it can cause caries, calculi buildup and periodontal disease.
Calculus (Tartar) – calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate combined with organic material, deposited on the surface of the tooth.